Wage Subsidy Extension – Application & Eligibility

Applications for the wage subsidy extension are now open, offering further support for businesses affected by COVID-19. Applications open from 10 June 2020 until 1 September 2020.

Please note that you cannot apply for the wage subsidy extension until your original 12-week wage subsidy period has finished. You will receive an email from MSD when your original subsidy is nearing the end of 12 weeks. if you apply for the extension before the 12 week subsidy has finished, your application will be declined.

The extension payment is available to support employers, including self-employed people, who are still significantly impacted by COVID-19. The extension provides an additional 8 weeks of payments to employers and self-employed persons who meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

The employer or business must demonstrate a revenue loss of at least 40% for a continuous 30 day period. This period needs to occur in the 40 days immediately prior to making the application (but not before 10 May 2020), when compared to the closest comparable period last year.

It is important that you keep evidence of the 40% drop in revenue when applying for the wage subsidy extension.

The Ministry has also designed a tool which will help you check your eligibility for the wage subsidy extension. Please click here to check your eligibility.

Applications for the Wage Subsidy Extension can be made here.

We advise that you check with us before making the application. 

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